Why do i keep so much junk?

Possessions are a sign of wealth. When our self-esteem is low, we often feel unacceptable, incompetent,. Last week, I was working with a new client, helping her edit and organize her closet. As I was going through the clothes, he turned around and asked me: “Why do people keep so much stuff? And why is it so hard for people to get rid of things? I will share with you what I said to him. Many people in Wellington FL are emotionally attached to their possessions and may struggle with Junk Removal in Wellington FL.It can be difficult to let go of things, especially those that have had a place in your life.

People have a variety of reasons and reasons for holding on to things. Maybe you tell yourself that you should keep that pile of towels you never use “just in case you have 13 guests at home staying with you at the same time”. Or “what if you decide to go skiing for the first time in this decade and you need your skis? It would be one thing for all our possessions to make us happier, but it seems that the opposite is happening. At least one study shows that a home with too many things can actually cause higher levels of anxiety.

The more we order, the better we do it and the more aware we are of choosing what to keep, what to throw away and what to look for in our lives. A little empty space helps to accommodate a new way of life that allows for stronger relationships and better physical and mental health.